Thank you to all the clients for your understanding thorough our mandated closure. At Tepore Spa we are so excited to be back on track and be able to perform our services again respecting Phase I. This page serves to let you know of some changes to the Spa and our policies that will help insure your safety and to do our part to slow the spread of Covid-19 during this times.
*Please, Mask are required to wear at the salon and as you entry in the treatment room.
*A Covid-19 form will give it to you to signed the day of the service.
*Try to leave all unnecessary items in your car and only arrive with what is necessary to perform a easy check out.
*We are trying to reduce the number of people on the waiting room. Waiting area will be reserve for clients who are there for the first time and need to fill a intake form. So please, for those already regular clients, plan to arrive at the time of your appointment.
*Please use the hand sanitizer located at the entrance of the room.
*If you are experiencing symptoms as fever, sore trough or extremely congestion and headache , please reschedule your appointment till you feel better!
*You will be entering in a totally disinfected area. We are following strict measures of sanitation and disinfection control steps, so please, feel safe and let me take care of you!
Thank you for your understanding and to support small business during these times of change...
Please don't hesitate to ask more question or concerns.
Looking for to seeing you soon!
Viviana Pascarella
(Owner of Tepore Spa and Esthetics LLC)